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Who's Speaking?

Here is a list of some of our notable speakers and a brief on what their topics will be about!

Eilaf Shamekh

CES senior student

Hi! I’m Eilaf, a 17 year old aspiring scientist. My interest in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology blossomed after having the opportunity to take each of those subjects separately. I’ve always been interested in the smaller side of science, whether it be microbiology, neurology and in this context: Nanotechnology!

Rasem Dabbas

Nestle BEO

I am a Jordanian national. A father of two young adults. I have been in Egypt for the last 4 years. This is my sixth move so I am used to living in different places. I lived in Jordan, the US (Nebraska, Arizona, California, DC), UAE, and now Egypt. I love to explore new initiatives and I have a passion to always learn - self learn and from others. Life is a journey and we need to make the best out of it and we need to all contribute positively to the good of society and communities we live in. I am passionate about sustainability and I love innovations. My topic is about disruptive innovations and in particular the Internet and the digital world we live in. I would like to discuss the gains we get from such new technology, the watch out and how to adapt to such innovations. Many questions we need to answer and choices to make as we continue to go digital - freedom to use digital, moral and ethical concerns, censorship and other topics

Mina Selim

Sales and Training Manager of a Pharmaceutical Company/Comedian/Freelance Corporate Trainer

[Talk: 'Comedian Wala Businessman'] As proclaimed by my wife, I am a multipotentialite. Husband and a father of two wonderful boys. I graduated from the faculty of pharmacy 2006 (because my dad wanted me to) and lived my life between Canada and Egypt. Sales and training manager of a pharmaceutical company to pay the bills. Stand up comedian and performed in Cairo, Dubai, NYC and Toronto. Freelance corporate trainer; started the edutainer platform Educative Entertainer. TV host and creative copywriter and actor because I love the fields.

Zakaria Farah

CES Student

'Can We Revive a Wooly Mammoth and Potentially Save the Earth?' My name is Zakaria Farah and I’m an IB Year 11 student at CES. I am currently aspiring to be a genetic engineer in the near future.

Maryam Abdel Raouf

CES Student

Coming soon

Lamia Kamel

Assistant Egypt Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Egypt for Marketing and Promotion at Egypt Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Coming soon

Speakers: List

Program is out now!

Check out the program for the event, including the timings for our speakers and our performers below. 

Event Program.png
Speakers: More Info
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